Me and my brother Wiki

Me and my brother[]

I had to do it. I just loved him to much. We went throw everything together. Matthew and I grew up on the streets. My parents’ firm was very successful, but it went bankrupt one year. They weren’t really the saving kind of people. My mom and dad invested all of our money in to the firm. My mom got pregnant with mine while they still lived in our old apartment. When he was only couple of years old, they had to move away because we ran out of money to pay the apartment. My parents and me moved to very cheaper apartment. My brother was born couple of months after.

I grew up practically with no money. My father left us after one or two years and my mom became a drug dealer. I didn’t go to school, but Matthew and I thought ourselves. At the age of eight my mom fell in love with an older man. He was around 60 and she was 38 years old. We moved to a nicer neighborhood and also started to go to school. At the age of 12 my mother shot herself in the bathtub. My step dad became alcoholic after she killed herself. It was too hard for my brother and me to watch my new dad, so we moved to New York and started a new life. Within the age of 20 my brother got a little of tracks and joined a gang. I tried to life my life as normal as possible, so I worked as a barista at Starbucks. I still lived with my brother. One night while I was watching TV my brother came in bleeding really strong. I looked deep into his blue eyes and realized that my brother was crying. His hands, his clothes practically everything was full of blood. The red fluid was dripping on to the floor. He was shot into his shoulder. Probably his gang had a problem with another gang. Matthews blood loss kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he lost his consciousness. He probably did something illegal and I should not help him, but he is my brother.

Help my brother

Call the ambulance
